My name is Grace, and at 20 years old, I had the brilliant idea to become a self-proclaimed "luxury picnic planner." Because, who needs a stable career when you can literally live in a fairytale..?

Well, let's just say things weren't exactly sunshine and roses from the start. See, I was a broke college dropout breaking into a relatively nonexistent market with absolutely no blueprint, mentorship, or experience. What I did carry was a simple vision: to β€œcreate an environment where couples, families, and friends could dedicate quality time to explore the power of LOVE, LAUGHTER, & INTIMACY.”

I knew I needed to solve the problem of time, so I created a simple plug-and-play, totally customizable model suitable for last-minute parties, date nights, milestone events, and more. I wanted to alleviate the stress, coordination, and hassle of planning a special moment so busy individuals could simply show up and focus on what’s most important: spending quality time with the ones they love most.

I’ll never forget my very first proposal picnic. It was one of the most humbling experiences and an utter acknowledgment of how far I’ve come. Every single day, I wake up grateful for the many couples, families, and friends who traverse my path and allow me to operate a business in alignment with my purpose.

At 20 years old, I could have never imagined this little idea would grow and evolve in the ways that it has. Today, Evolution is so much more than just luxury picnics. It’s a greater mission to create a world where love, intimacy, and commitment are encouraged and celebrated. Where individuals take the time to slow down and intentionally focus on one another. Because at the end of the day, we won't remember the many flashy purchases we made or accomplishments on the mantel; instead, we remember the little moments that made us feel whole and the people who made them so special.

One unique aspect of running a business centered around the concept of LOVE is getting to observe the many intricacies of relationship dynamics. I want to leave you with the single most important lesson I’ve learned. No matter who you are: husband, wife, step-sister, godfather, high school friend or coworker, we all crave the same things. To feel loved and appreciated, seen and acknowledged for the wonderful gifts we bring into this world.

A luxury picnic might feel insignificant to some, but to the ones you love, it could quite literally mean the world. So, if you're ready to deepen your relationships, create timeless memories, and celebrate the people you cherish most, rest assured you’re in the right place. Let us embark on this journey together so you and your loved ones can create lasting memories and β€œpicnic with a purpose.”

Hi Friend,